Tuesday, January 7, 2020

42 easy activities to keep kids busy while parents work at home

These are both fun, and great learning toys! …But we also know the toddler years can be challenging because toddlers can also be demanding, and are still learning to be patient and have impulse control . For almost a decade now, I have had at least one toddler in the house, and for the past few years we have been homeschooling with at least one toddler at the table. While most teens look to spread their wings and enter a new phase of independence at this part of their lives, they still like entertainment.

If you don’t have the luxury of having a backyard or don’t want to go outside at all but still want to keep the kids active these activities are great. If you’re lucky enough to have a backyard spice up lunch or dinner time with a backyard picnic. Kids really don’t need much to keep them entertained. We surprised our daughters with this outdoor picnic and they had so much fun and were so thankful.

Books are your best friends

Look up new kinds of art projects or images to draw inspiration from.Try coloring in a coloring book. You can even print off pages to color in from online, or download an app or computer program to color virtually. Get to chores you’ve been neglecting, like vacuuming, dusting, or washing dishes. You can also spend some time away from screens by picking up a physical dictionary or encyclopedia and learning a new word or concept.

how to keep busy at home

A list of ten things to do that will leave you feeling challenged, motivated and accomplished once completed. Things that you may have always wanted to do, but never have time for whilst working a 9 to 5 – or any other kind of full-time job for that matter. Whether or not your toddler knows the rules of the game is irrelevant when they just love playing with the pieces! Otrio is so fun to place the circles around the board. A wooden connect four game is fun to drop the pieces into the slots.

Make a travel bucket list

Kids love this and it’s a great way to keep yourself busy at home and if don’t have kids, do it with your spouse. Here are several amazing ideas on how to keep yourself busy at home when you can’t leave the house. Yep, we’ve done the leg work for you and assembled a great list of 31 unique things to do when you are bored and stuck at home. Not the most fun activity – well at least for me – but you would be amazed what can come out of this. Not only is it incredibly satisfying to Marie Kondo your home and have a more organised living space, but there could be an opportunity to make money. Dream Boards – Dream boards, or vision boards, are a smart way for your child to inspire themselves daily.

how to keep busy at home

Writing about anything can help you in various ways. You can write about your daily life, any special occasion, about someone special, something you want to get over. It will just make you feel better and help you not to overthink. Keep yourself rolling when you are at home and have nothing to do. If you keep yourself active, you’ll be motivated to do multiple productive things. Unlike cooking, now may seem like the easiest time to make excuses for not exercising.

Kids Charades

When being alone, you should think about how to keep yourself busy and productive. Spending time at home can be relaxing as well as productive. With COVID-19 putting a dent in our spring plans, it’s up to each and every one of us to make the most of our time spent indoors and stay safe.

The fall and winter seasons could be the most challenging times of the entire pandemic, but pandemic fatigue is also real and setting in. The novel restlessness, stress, and boredom that you may have felt in March and April are novel no longer, making it more difficult to stay at home all the time. Knowing that you're no longer a stranger to being stuck at home, our guide includes 23 fun and unique ways to keep busy, whether you want to be relaxed, creative, productive, or entertained. There are nearly 32 million bloggers in the United States which means a little more than 1 in 10 people have a blog.

Whether you doing one by yourself or with another person, the feeling when you fit the last piece to complete the puzzle can't be beat. You're not alone if you're feeling anxious, uneasy, and stressed. Regular meditation can help reduce these feelings, and also reduce depression, improve memory function, and boost well-being. It's a good skill to learn and know even outside of the current pandemic. Be it a drama, rom-com, or reality show, entertainment is always a comforting fallback. The following guide contains all of our recs for what to watch.

how to keep busy at home

I picked up a guitar, tried lessons, and self-teaching myself. However, I was always distracted by other more interesting things and decided playing guitar wasn’t for me. The key to finding a hobby you like is to just try new things. Start with something you think you’ll be interested in and try it out. You’ll stick with the things you truly enjoy. You can make the most of your time at home and stay happily occupied; just embrace the me-time!

I love these ideas and that they encourage independent play. The most valuable tip for me is moving all the furniture together to create an open space playground. If you have access to a garden bed or a grass-less area, bring out some shovels and pails and see what your kids can find. Pull out the sandbox or the homemade sandbox mentioned above and hide some items within the sand for a treasure hunt. 's selection is editorial and independently chosen – we only feature items our editors love and approve of. May collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page.

how to keep busy at home

Our toddlers also enjoy playing with an old set of Trivial Pursuit pieces because they can put the wedges into the pie piece. I have written a post about getting started with watercolors. You can find all my recommended supplies there.

Getting Creative at Home

It is so cool that they can watch their beloved characters and play with these heroes, being engaged in the process and entertaining themselves. Without any doubts, my kids will be surprised and express their great gratitude to me, thanks to you and your tips. Quiet time at home is the perfect time to brush up on a new language or start learning one from scratch. Through modern day technology, it’s no longer necessary to take private lessons or to buy lots of books to get started. All you need is a laptop and internet connection, in addition to healthy dose of discipline and determination. Alexandra is a creative writer and researcher for RentCafe.

With a background in e-learning content writing and a passion for knowledge-sharing platforms, she's covered topics from prop-tech to renters insurance to interior design tips. Alexandra’s work includes collaborations with financial and business publications. A clean house is always nice to return home to. A clean house you have to spend a few days on end in?

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